SMPTE AG-18 allows for the Controlling Organization of a Private-Use Entry or a Public-Use Entry to transfer control of the Entry to SMPTE. The practical steps to follow are:

  • The Controlling Organization writes a letter to the SMPTE Director of Standards Development specifying the entries and declaring that control is to be transferred to SMPTE in perpetuity
  • Entries can be specified using “wildcard” bytes if convenient, in which case the letter should explicitly state that all entries formed from all possible values of these “wildcard” bytes are covered. NOTE: Groups Register and Essence Register entries typically use the value 0x7f to indicate “wildcard” bytes that are populated when implemented (e.g. in an MXF file).
  • The SMPTE Director of Standards Development contacts the Registers Editors (copied to 30MR10) to confirm transfer of control and to provide a copy of the letter
  • The Controlling Organization creates a Submission containing the entries unless such a Submission is already being created (e.g. in preparation of an Engineering Document or RDD) or the entries are already in the Registers
  • The Registers Editors check this Submission against the letter provided by the SMPTE Director of Standards Development, in addition to all the usual Submission processing steps
  • Once any related Defining Document is published and the Submission is “accepted”: the Registers Editors add the entries to either Private-Use Entries under SMPTE control or Public-Use Entries under SMPTE control